In other good man news, my boyfriend brought me a gold charm from Paris. I had my gold charm bracelet stolen when I first moved here. It was a gorgeous bracelet, however it was not of my making. My mothers best friend from growing up gave it to me, it was filled with all her charms from growing up. I'm sure it was worth a pretty penny now. It had the sweetest charms and some had really neat moving parts as well as gems. My sweetheart decided I needed to start one of my own to replace it. So now I have a gold charm, and soon I will have more and get the bracelet to keep them all on. It's going to be fun to fill it up, albeit expensive. The other heart charm belonged to my great grandmother whom I never met, but there is a sweet little bite mark on it from my grandmother when she was a small child.

Outfit dets...
Sandals-buffalo exchange (new)
New gold charm on necklace- arch de triumph (gift from boyfriend)

Nice house!
thanks leslie! We live in old victorian flat, it's pretty amazing actually. I love the architecture here.
The woodwork looks fantastic. Pretty decor as well.
There are so many, old and well made apartments here, I love this city. Our whole apartment is so beautiful and I feel really lucky to live in such a historic place.
One of the apartments in our building (there are 6 total) was inhabited by famous anarchists from the late 1800's. It was the former home of Alexander Berkman and THE BLAST - and, for a little while, of Emma Goldman. Pretty interesting history here, which reminds me I need to go read up on them. And of corse I do the decorating. I have been finding the most amazing art at a charity shop close to our house. Its been really inspiring to live in such a great city full of beautiful history.
Thanks again for the complements.
If you wear the nice charm your boyfriend bought you I think it cancells out the "Hitler".
* ; )
If you wear the nice charm your boyfriend bought you I think it cancells out the "Hitler".
* ; )
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