Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Presenting.......more Agathe

Here are the latest pictures of the beautiful Agathe, You might know by now that I am stalking her Phiary acount.  If you aren't familiar with her, she used to have one the most sought after fashion blogs but all of a sudden disapeared.  I found her phiary acount via a reader's comment on another blog, and have been checking it periodically for updates.  And, yes, it still is hard to let her go.  She is still amazing, see.........


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I need more! I love how casual and cool these looks are...I forget she didn't always wear lipstick and retro outfits.

What we four say said...

yeah, she is just amazing! It's nice to still have a little glimpse into her life and style.