My boyfriends parents are in town and staying with us for a couple weeks. While my Sweetie was at work, we took a little trip up to Haight to do some shopping and sight seeing. I needed some things ( 2 colored tights and high waisted leggings) from American Apparel. While shopping at AA I saw a familar face. It took me a few minutes to figure out that Marjorie Conrad from America's next top model cycle 11 was there, working. She answered some questions for me and helped me into a dressing room. It was exciting for me to see her in person, being that I am a long time fan of the show. Continuing on our way I took a few pictures that capture the colorful neighborhood.
Me from the waist down
Dress-really vintage
Socks-Moksha in Seattle
Mototrcycle boots-Leeds in Seattle few years ago

Sidewalk art

Murals in lower haight

Waistland clothing

close up of waistland window (little glare sorry)

Tropical flowers

Beautiful old shoes at the Haight street cobbler

My boyfriends cute parents
what fabulous photos!
A couple of weeks? I don't think I could even stand my own parents that long! :) Cool pics.
On the old shoe tip, have you ever checked out this place in my hood:
Thought it might be up your alley...
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