My mom just sent this cute picture of my grandpa to me via Email. He was a hard worker who worked up until he passed away a few years ago. He was also really funny and had jokes that he would tell, most of them regulars that many of his friends and family had all heard at one time or another. I have a few pieces of his clothing that are pretty neat. One being a old cop shirt from when he was a volunteer police officer, the cool thing is that he was always a thin man, it fits nice and snug. I also have a great old plaid wool coat that is almost too warm for california, but I love it. My favorite piece is this great black vest with threads of silver and gold, I'm pretty sure my grandma made it for him. She was a seamstress and made lots of the clothing that the whole family of 8 kids and her husband wore.

Cool! I had an old Army jacket of my grandfather's from WWII. I wore it in high school, and it was way rad. :)
OMG so cute! That pic is priceless, and I love the way you framed it online...
What a great old pic!!
Thanks everyone!
Alexis, thats just how the picture was when my cousin scanned it. It's really old. My mom says she thinks it was from the depression, hence the tattered clothing.
Alissa, I would love to see that coat, I bet it is amazing!
I have never scene this picture before, i don't think i have even scene a picture of grandpa this young!!!
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