I decided it was time to organize my pletera of shoes. I convinced my boyfriend to let me line up some of my boots in our extra bedroom. I have a super small closet, so they were overflowing and I could'nt choose the right shoe because I could'nt see them or find the matching pair. It was BAD. Luckily I have 2 hanging bars in my closet so I can organize my clothing properly with all my vintage dresses and my designs in the back as well as things I don't wear as often.
Below are the before and after pictures. I have to stack them up on each other becuase I have so many, but at least I know where they all are now. I should have counted how many pairs I have. Maybe I could have a limit on how many pairs I'm allowed at one time. Then when I buy a new pair I would have to get rid of one. Currently I have about 15 pairs that I am getting rid of for various reasons. I can't decide if I should just make a trip to buffalo exchange or try to sell them online. It seems easier to just hop on down to the buffalo exchange for instant gradification.

Before, messy!
Hello there fellow san franciscan! I was wondering if you could send me the link on suzies bubble's blog that you found me with, If she wrote about me I would be so honored!!
thanks for visiting!
your shoe collection looks as overwhelming as mine. I'm about to get a closet revamp and can't wait to stop stacking my shoes on top of each other.
Yeah its a bit overwhelming, I am constantly buying new ones too, with the thrift stores being so great here it's hard not to. As well as all the "new" stores.
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