A client at my salon today had this great small make up sized bag made out of tabs from soda cans. I asked her about it and she told me it was her studio mate who designs them and then has them made over seas. I looked up the website and now I am lusting after them all. They are recycled, gorgeous and light weight. I have to go to one of the stores in SF and see what the prices are. Check out the website for stores in your area. They are made by Escama Studios. The designers name is Andy, I only know from the woman today. Nicely done Andy!!!

These are so cute! At my work, we save pop can tabs to sell them on the recycling market to make wheelchairs.
Holy moly! Mr Smaggle bought me one of these last time he was in the States! I love it I use it all the time!
very cool idea!!! waow
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