I left this comment today for
the Glamourai and it got me thinking about my past fashion choices. So I am posting some pictures of when I was more colorful. These pictures span a large time frame maybe about 5 years, and yes I am a hair stylist, can you tell by my many hair do's, or some times, don'ts.
"I have been finding that my personal style has taken a beating as I have to only wear certain colors to work, black, grey and white. I have only been buying those colors unless its a amazing vintage piece. I'm starting to feel very blaw, but it has been interesting to come up with fun outfits with only a few colors allowed. I also feel like reading other peoples blogs has inspired me and also taken away some of my personal style. I now, sometimes think of other peoples outfits when getting dressed, instead of following my own creative instincts like I used to before getting into this crazy world of online fashion."
Riding a giant raccoon, this was a casual outfit about 4 years ago Vintage shoes, belt and sweater.

At the beach in seattle, wearing a altered (shortened, added v neck and changed sleeves) vintage mexican dress, about 5 years ago

I have no idea when this was, but I'm thinking about 2004. I miss that leather trench coat.

This is a vintage dress that I shortened and added sequins to, about 2 years ago

After my first fashion show for my clothing line, wearing a altered sweatshirt about 2 years ago as well

This was at a great festival in Seattle about 3 years ago, wow my hair was bright. Im wearing a vintage slip that I hand dyed and my favorite brown studded motorcycle boots

This was a night on the town, I'm wearing vintage lingerie and my finest vintage floor length "best color blue ever" coat. about 2 years ago as well.