I decided today was the right time to work on this skirt. I love the print and have been wanting to shorten it for a while now. It was a lucky find at a ongoing garage sale on Vashon Island, WA. The people who lived there had purchased a lot of stuff that was from abandoned storage units. Let me tell you, they had the most amazing stuff and it was really cheap. There was so much stuff that they were just trying to get rid of it, especially the clothing as it had rained and some things had gotten a bit damp. I purchased a bunch of other things that day as well, all amazing. The reason I havn't worked on this skirt was because I was still trying to figure out the best way to do it. I think the method I came up with worked perfectly. First I cut the skirt off the band, leaving about a 1/2 inch below the band. Then I Sewed it back on the fabric below the band making sure to only use the same length it was connected to originally. Lastly I ironed it down and wallah, perfect. The shirt I am wearing is also a creation of mine. It's actually a dress that I am wearing as a shirt. I made it out of thrifted, vintage fabric I got in Seattle at my favorite thrift store that is sadly gone now. I also made the necklace I am wearing today! I love it when things I make seem to all match each other.
The details-
Shirt/dress-Pretty Pirate Designs
Skirt-vintage DIY shortened
Belt-Vintage thrifted (leather with stamps and beautiful buckle)
Necklace-Pretty Pirate Designs
Earings-Old can't remember
Bracelet/chocker-Mom's from the 70's (made by KIM)
Shoes-Rampage from Ross